Become a Freemason

Are you interested in becoming a Freemason? Please contact us to find out more about how Barbican Lodge can welcome you to freemasonry.

Visiting Barbican

We welcome visitors from other lodges to our meetings. We are a friendly lodge and you are assured of  a warm welcome from our brethren.

Joining Barbican

We welcome applications for joining from existing freemasons of good standing. Please contact our Secretary for more information.

Welcome to:

Barbican Lodge
A masonic lodge in London

Barbican Lodge is a masonic lodge in London under the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Grand Lodge.  Our lodge was established in 1972 in the Barbican Centre, a residential building in the City of London, although we now meet at Grand Lodge, Great Queen Street. Our members are from all areas and backgrounds and we welcome applications from joining freemasons, or those who wish to join the ‘Craft’.

A great honour in our Tercentenary Year

Barbican lodge is one of the six 'Stamp Lodges'

In our Tercentenary Year, the three hundredth year of the United Grand Lodge of England, Barbican Lodge was chosen to be one of the six ‘Stamp Lodges’, appearing on the official Tercentenary Stamps, produced by the Isle of Man Post Office.

We are honoured to appear on the first class stamp and as more than 1.5 million stamps bearing our name have been used on mailings from the Isle of Man, Barbican Lodge has gone to every corner of the world.

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.

What do we believe in?

Freemasonry has always been about making good men better. We aim to follow the five core principles of integrity, kindness, honesty, fairness and tolerance.

Why become a freemason?

For friendship, to contribute society, to learn about yourself, to be amongst kindred spirits, the reasons are as numerous as our membership.

Who can be a Freemason?

Any man over the age of 21 may join regardless of ethnic group, political views, economic standing or religion although he is expected to have a faith.

Why the emphasis on charity?

Charity guides our lives; Freemasonry is one of the largest charitable organisations in the world, giving £33m to good causes every year in the UK alone.

A better way to live

By following our fundamental principles, we hope to be better people, live better lives and benefit others, leaving this world a better place.

A video from the United Grand Lodge of England

What's It All About?
What it means to be a Freemason.

Fraternity, Charity, Integrity.
The fundamental principles of Freemasonry and how we guide our lives.
Learn more about them at the United Grand Lodge of England Web Site.